The findings are based on analysis of survey responses achieved over a period of a week from 26th April to 2nd May 2010. The objective of analysis was to help new bloggers in figuring out what are medium adopted by bloggers to popularize their blogs and what is the current status of usage of wizards in blogosphere.
Here are the top level findings:
•42% of bloggers usually prefer blogging once in a week vs 41% of them blogging once in 3 months when asked about their regularity of blogging
•Nearly 50% of bloggers prefer posting 1 to 4 photographs per blogpost and when asked would they prefer showcasing their photographs in a sidebar, 75% of them answered positively
•When asked about which photo-sharing devices they use, 75% preferred Picasa followed by flickr and Photobucket
•Nearly 66% popularize their blogs through Facebook and Twitter, while 49% preferring Commenting on others blogs as a tool to popularize their blog
Lifeblob surveyed 120 bloggers over a period of one week. Respondents were asked to fill a small online questionnaire consisting of 10 questions and while carrying the survey no incentives were offered.
A detailed analysis of Survey:
Demography of respondents (Age): Nearly 85% of respondent’s lies in range of 20-30 years which indicated that majority of them were young bloggers.
Regularity of blogging: It indicates the level of activity of bloggers in blogging domain. Results clearly indicates that majority of bloggers actively blogs at least once in a week.
Number of photographs posted per blogpost: It helps in understanding bloggers whether they prefer using Photographs along with text while writing its blog or pure text. It has been revealed through this survey that some bloggers do use photographs as a medium to popularize their blog.
Number of widgets on your blog page: From this one can directly infer how much technology savvy a blogger is. Nowadays there are plenty of widgets available in the market that can actually help the bloggers to make their blog page more engaging like Flickr, Picasa, Twitter etc.
Showcasing your photographs: When asked if they would prefer showcasing their photographs in a sidebar widget, 75%responded positively. This widget is quite common these days as it helps in adding personal touch to a blog and it also allow the readers to quickly browse through photos in an engaging manner. It is also used these days in order to pull traffic.
Most common Photo-sharing service: Picasa turns out to be the most common photo-sharing service used by the bloggers followed by flickr and Photobucket.
How do Bloggers popularize their blog: When asked this question directly, it came out that people prefer using facebook and twitter as a means to popularize their blog followed by commenting on others blogpost as a means to get backlinks to their blog. The Comment section is a simple yet effective tool to bring traffic to a blog. You just need to respond to your readers comments to show how actively involve you are with the blog and the opinion of your readers. This two-way conversation between you and your readers will also increase their loyalty.
From findings of the survey we can conclude that bloggers prefers showcasing their photographs through different widgets and also use this as a tool to popularize their blog.
Note: Last two questions had multiple choice options.
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